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Kashaaya (Herbal Dicoctions)

Why? And How to Prepare Herbal Dicoctions?

• Kashaaya are leafy/herbal decoctions that enables us to have good overall health.
• The natural resources available in our surroundings are the medicines for our
• With Siri dhaanya as our main/staple food, we must make and drink different
kashaaya made from the leaves, branches & roots of plants available around us.

Kashaaya – They work in two different ways:
കഷായ - അവർ രണ്ട് വ്യത്യസ്ത രീതികളിൽ പ്രവർത്തിക്കുന്നു:

1. One can drink Kashaaya, instead of coffee and tea.
The unhealthy and bad substances that are there in coffee or tea, are not present in these herbal decoctions. Moreover, they will help in protecting our health.
2. Kashaaya with their excellent medicinal values, help immensely in reducing the
diseases and ailments.

1. കാപ്പിയ്ക്കും ചായയ്ക്കും പകരം കഷായ കുടിക്കാം.
കാപ്പിയിലോ ചായയിലോ ഉള്ള അനാരോഗ്യകരവും ചീത്തയുമായ പദാർത്ഥങ്ങൾ ഈ ഹെർബൽ കഷായങ്ങളിൽ ഇല്ല. മാത്രമല്ല, അവ നമ്മുടെ ആരോഗ്യം സംരക്ഷിക്കാൻ സഹായിക്കും.
2. കഷായ അവയുടെ മികച്ച ഔഷധമൂല്യങ്ങളുള്ളതിനാൽ അത് രോഗങ്ങളും അസുഖങ്ങളും കുറയ്ക്കാൻ വളരെയധികം സഹായിക്കുന്നു .

How to prepare Kashaaya?
കഷായ എങ്ങനെ തയ്യാറാക്കാം?

Normally, preparation of a Kashaaya involves – boiling milk or water along with natural medicines till half of that volume gets evaporated; straining this decoction and drinking it. This tedious method has been a part of our home remedies since the ancient times.

Dr. Khadar’s method of Kashaaya

• Dr. Khadar has suggested very easy method to prepare Kashaaya with different leaves and other materials.
• It is advised to drink these Kashaaya on empty stomach, starting with early morning.
• One can drink Kashaaya 2-3 times daily – on empty stomach, as far as possible.
• An empty stomach makes sure that the medicinal values present in the Kashaaya get assimilated easily.
• One should drink Kashaaya made of one type of leaves for a whole week.
• The type of Kashaaya must be changed according to our ailment every week.
• Just because it tastes good, one should not drink the same type of Kashaaya for longer than a week.

Materials required

a) Leaves – If the leaves are big- 3 – 4 (eg: Guava, Peepal, Beetle leaves)
If the leaves are small- 7 – 8 (eg: Tulasi, Mint, Fenugreek leaves)
b) Water – Water stored in a copper vessel for 5-6 hours.

Method of preparation

• It is ideal to use fresh leaves for preparing any Kashaaya. The leaves can be stored by wrapping them in a clean wet cloth. They stay fresh for 2-3 days.
• The leaves must not be preserved in a refrigerator.
• Place the leaves in tamarind water for about 10 minutes. Wash them thoroughly with water (stored in a copper vessel). This removes most of pesticides present on the leaves.
• Boil 150-200 ml of water in a vessel. As the water starts boiling, tear the leaves into pieces and add them to it. Let them boil for 3-4 minutes, after which, switch of the flame and place a lid.
• After another 3-4 minutes, strain the decoction using a steel strainer. The Kashaaya can be taken lukewarm or at room temperature. Palm jaggery syrup may be added for taste.

Important Note:

• Drinking Kashaaya alone will give temporary relief from diseases. It order to cure
the disease permanently, Siri dhaanya has to be taken as the staple food, along with Kashaaya.
• People with no particular disease can also drink Kashaaya – as they are very good
for removing toxins, prevention of diseases, cleansing of every organ and as blood
• Kashaaya can be had, instead of coffee or tea early in the morning.
• People generally assume that the Kashaaya are bitter in taste. On the contrary,
some Kashaaya are actually very tasty. Example: Leaves of Tulsi, Lemon grass,
Bael (Bilva).

If the Kashaaya are prepared in the method explained above, most of them will taste good, and will not be too strong or bitter.

Content Credit: Dr. Khadar Vali & Siri Jagatthu
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