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Foods we should eat -The 5 Siri dhaanya

Content Credit: Dr. Khadar Vali & Siri Jagatthu
The 5 Siri dhaanya

The 5 Siri dhaanya
The following food grains have to be taken as a staple/main food in our diet.
• Little millet
• Foxtail or Italian millet
• Kodo millet
• Barnyard millet and
• Browntop or American Millet
• Fibre present in Siri dhaanya regulates the release of glucose into the blood in a slow and controlled manner. Due to this phenomenon, we will not get any diseases.
• Healthy people should start taking all these Siri dhaanya, each of them for two
consecutive days, before moving to the next. Thus, after 10 days, the cycle can be
• People, suffering from any disease, should eat these Siri dhaanya as per the Protocols (Health Problems – Remedy Protocols with Siri dhaanya-Kashaaya-Oils-Juices)
• With Siri dhaanya as the primary/staple food, one can have all types of dals, vegetables, chutneys, sambar etc., as side-dishes (the same way they are eaten along with paddy rice and wheat. The only change is that rice and wheat are replaced with Siri dhaanya).
• One can prepare the same variety of dishes with Siri dhaanya as one prepares with rice and wheat– such as Idly, Dosa, Roti, Pulihora, Biryani, Bisibelebath etc.

Siri dhaanya, also known as millets, are a group of small-seeded grasses that are widely grown around the world as cereal crops or grains. The five types of Siri dhaanya that you mentioned are Little millet, Foxtail or Italian millet, Kodo millet, Barnyard millet, and Browntop or American Millet .

Siri dhaanya is rich in dietary fiber, which is beneficial for our health. The fiber present in Siri dhaanya regulates the release of glucose into the blood in a slow and controlled manner. This helps to prevent diseases such as obesity, diabetes, cancer, and cardiovascular disorders .

Healthy people can start taking all these Siri dhaanya, each of them for two consecutive days before moving to the next. After 10 days, the cycle can be repeated . People suffering from any disease should eat these Siri dhaanya as per the protocols (Health Problems – Remedy Protocols with Siri dhaanya-Kashaaya-Oils-Juices) .

With Siri dhaanya as the primary/staple food, you can have all types of dals, vegetables, chutneys, sambar etc., as side-dishes (the same way they are eaten along with paddy rice and wheat. The only change is that rice and wheat are replaced with Siri dhaanya). You can prepare the same variety of dishes with Siri dhaanya as one prepares with rice and wheat– such as Idly, Dosa, Roti, Pulihora, Biryani, Bisibelebath etc. .


• Three fistfuls of any dal/pulses are sufficient for one person, per week.
• Dal could be of any type – Red gram dal, Black gram dal, Lobia and other dicotyledons may be consumed.
• One fistful of sprouts per week is sufficient.

Pulses and lentils are a great source of protein and are an essential part of a healthy diet. According to Dr. Khadar, three fistfuls of any dal/pulses are sufficient for one person per week. You can choose from a variety of dals such as Red gram dal, Black gram dal, Lobia, and other dicotyledons .

Sprouts are also a great source of protein and can be consumed in moderation. One fistful of sprouts per week is sufficient .

Animal milk alternatives

Animal milk alternatives
Cow and Buffalo milk should be stopped.
• One can replace this with Milk made from the following: Coconut, Sesame, Ragi, Jowar, Safflower or Ground nuts.
• For boiling this type of milk, place the vessel with milk in hot water and then boil it. This is called Double boiling method. One can prepare curd also with this milk.
• Curd, butter milk and ghee prepared from desi cow milk is recommended.

1) Sesame seeds milk
• Sesame milk is much more nutritious than cow/ buffalo milk. Both children and adults can consume this milk. The Calcium content in Sesame milk is about 10 times more than what is present in animal milk. More importantly, it also helps us stay away from the hormonal problems faced when drinking animal milk.

Method of preparation-
• Take 100 grams of sesame seeds in a bowl.
• Add 250-300 ml of water and let it soak overnight.
• In the morning, these soaked seeds should be ground to a paste in a grinding
stone, while adding half of the water used for soaking
• Place this paste onto a thin and clean cloth, and squeeze it to get the milk out.
• After collecting the milk, place the remaining paste in the grinding stone once
again and grind it. Add the rest of the water that was used for soaking.
• Place this in the cloth and squeeze it once again to get the milk.
• Repeat this process until about a litre of milk is collected from 100 grams of
sesame seeds.

How to consume this sesame milk?
• Do not consume sesame milk with thick consistency. If the sesame milk is prepared in the manner explained above, it will not be thick.
• Also, one should not drink sesame milk in large quantity at one time.
• Drink the milk in smaller quantities to get the body accustomed to the new milk.
• Do not heat this milk directly on the stove. It can be heated by using the double boiling method (i.e., keeping it in hot water in another vessel).

Making curd with Sesame milk-
• Prepare the milk as explained above, but by using lesser amount of water.
This will give us milk of a thicker consistency.
• Half a litre of milk may be prepared with 100 grams of seeds.
• Now, heat the milk using double boiling method.
• Add a small quantity of desi cow curd as culture (inoculum) to ferment this milk
into curd.

2) Coconut milk – Method of preparation
• Add one litre of water to 100 grams of grated coconut to prepare coconut milk.
• Add water slowly to the grated coconut and grind it to make a paste, with the help of a grinding stone.
• Place this paste onto a thin and clean cloth, and squeeze it to get the milk out.
• Repeat the procedure for about 3-4 times.
• Curd can be prepared with coconut milk, following the procedure explained above (for preparing sesame curd).

3) Milk can also be prepared with the following grains-
• Bajra seeds
• Safflower seeds
• Finger millet
• Groundnuts

Method of preparation-
• Milk can be prepared from these grains also by soaking them in water and following the same procedure explained above.

Very good source of Calcium

Sesame Seeds – Very good source of Calcium
• Everyone should eat at least one Sesame Laddu per week.
• Calcium present in sesame seeds is much more than what is found in animal milk.
• Sesame seeds have the capacity to prevent Cancer too.


• Use edible oils produced through a Bull/Ox driven ghani. Oil made from the following seeds are recommended:
‒ Safflower oil
‒ Mustard oil
‒ Sesame oil
‒ Coconut oil
‒ Groundnut oil
• 3 – 5 spoonfuls of oil per day is sufficient for any person.
• Growing children can consume more oil than the adults

For Sweetness:

For Sweetness:
• For preparing sweet dishes, we should use Palm jaggery,
Silver date palm jaggery or Indian horse chestnut jaggery only.

• Only sea salt is to be used for cooking.

Pickles/ Chutneys:

Pickles/ Chutneys:
• Our traditional Indian pickles and chutneys are very good for health. When taken in limited quantities, they are anti-carcinogenic (meaning, it prevents cancer)

Timely Eating

Timely Eating
• Children may eat whenever they feel hungry.
• If Adults eat Siri dhaanya based meals before 9.00 am, they will not feel hungry till 6 pm.
• Dinner should be finished by 6 – 7 pm.
• If one feels hungry in between, one could eat a banana or cucumber or a gauva. One can drink butter milk as well.
• One should not eat in odd times or mid-night. Taking timely meals is always better.


• We should use water kept in a Copper vessel for atleast six hours
for drinking or for cleaning vegetables or for cooking purposes.
• If a Copper vessel is not available, one can:
‒ Fill a steel vessel or earthen pot with about 20 Litres of drinkable water.
‒ Place a 3 inch (width) x 12 inch (length) copper plate in this water for six hours.
‒ After six hours, one can use this water for any of the above-mentioned purposes. The copper sheet should be cleaned with tamarind or lemon before reusing that

Drinking water- Usage of Copper Vessel / plate
• The continuous flowing water present in the rivers is the real structured water.
This water will immensely improve our health. Unfortunately, nowadays, this kind
of water is not available to us for drinking.
• Water is being supplied to our homes through plastic pipes. We usually purify it
using RO/UV filters, which are also made from plastic. We then store this filtered
water in plastic bottles.
• In order to cool the water, we place these plastic water bottles in the fridge.
We bring them out again, for drinking. Because of these changes in temperature,
the plastic nanoparticles get mixed with water. When we consume this water, these plastic molecules get stuck onto the walls of our small intestines.
• Thus, the intestines lose the capability to assimilate nutrients like Selenium,
Copper and Zinc. Deficiencies of these minerals in our body results in hair fall etc.
Drinking this kind of plastic water will also affect the functioning of the endocrine
glands, leading to hormonal imbalance.

Benefi ts of Copper vessel / plate
• To overcome the above-mentioned problems, we should drink water stored in a copper vessel, for at least 6 hours. Alternatively, pour 20 litres of water into a steel vessel and place a copper plate measuring 12 x 3 inches. After leaving the copper plate in the water for a minimum of 6 hours, the water in that vessel gets purified.
All the plastic nanoparticles, the viruses and microbes, will get collected onto the
surface of the copper plate.
• There are free electrons in the ‘d-orbital’ of Copper. These electrons present on its surface come in contact with the water. Any bacteria or virus that comes in their
way gets killed. The chemicals in the water get oxidized and are released into air.
In this manner, structured water is formed.

Cleaning the copper vessel/plate
• Every day, the copper vessel/plate must be cleaned with tamarind or a lemon
slice, along with some salt. The organic acids in tamarind (tartaric acid) or lemon
(citric acid) will remove the impurities from the copper surface.
• This method of purifying water, without any expenditure, is known only in India!

Kashaaya (Herbal decoctions)

Kashaaya (Herbal decoctions)
• We can use leaves of different plants available in our neighbourhood to prepare and drink Kashaaya (herbal decoctions).
• Clean the leaves and put them in boiling drinking water for 3 – 4 minutes. Put a lid on the vessel and after 2-3 minutes, one could filter and drink the water
• For the preparation of Kashaaya, use water kept in a Copper vessel.
• For better taste, one can add Palm jaggery to kashaaya.
• Kashaaya acts as a catalyst for quick relief from various diseases.
• Kashaaya can be taken in lieu of coffee and tea. Over a period of time, one can easily get rid of these unhealthy addictions.

Utensils for Cooking

Utensils for Cooking
• Use Steel utensils, Earthen pots and Iron tavaas
for cooking purposes.
• Non-stick utensils must be strictly avoided.


• One should stop the usage of items made of plastic- such as bottles, vessels, boxes, plates, spoons, glasses, packets etc., as they have an adverse effect on our health, and severely damage our environment as well.
• Cooked food items, drinking water, oils, pickles, etc., must not be stored in plastic containers.
• Plastic items must not be used anywhere in our kitchen.


• Walking for an hour and a half every day is very beneficial to everyone.
• It is the best, compared to other kinds of exercises.
• Our body has been created in a way that it is suitable for walking. Unfortunately, people do not consider this as an exercise in their daily regimen.
• Most of us sit in the same position over long periods of time. Walking helps relieve the strain caused on the body due to this.
• What is important while walking is not the speed with which one walks. It is the duration of the walk that is critical. Longer the duration, better the results.
• In our body, we have 5-6 litres of blood and in that, we always have 5-6 grams of
glucose. If we walk for 15 minutes, 1 gram of glucose gets spent. So for the 5-6 grams of glucose present in the body, one needs to walk for one hour and fifteen minutes. This creates a demand for glucose in our blood, once again. The fat and cholesterol get burnt and will be converted into glucose. This process will cleanse the body.
• These days it has become a fad for the youth to go to a Gym for exercise. But the best exercise for youth below 30 years of age is jogging, and for those above 30 years, it is walking

Sugar and Sugarcane Jaggery

Severe health problems caused by Sugar and Sugarcane Jaggery
• Sugar and sugarcane jaggery must be avoided.
Eating one spoon of sugar will set our immunity back by six months. Yet, we are preparing dishes using extraordinary amounts of sugar and jaggery.
• Sugar obtained from sugarcane contains lots of glucose. Hence, there will be a sudden increase in the blood glucose levels, right after consuming dishes made with sugar. This excess glucose is the main reason for diseases like diabetes, blood pressure, arthritis etc. Eating sugar will
also lead to an increase in the severity of the Cancer disease.
• Glucose is the end product of the bio-chemical digestive processes. But, by
consuming sugar, glucose enters into the blood instantly. This affects all of the
bio-chemical reactions in our body. Eating sugar also causes anaemia.
• 28,000 litres of water is required to manufacture one kg of sugar. With the same
amount of water, 30 kg of Siri dhaanya can be cultivated and can feed about 900
• Sugarcane crop requires water throughout the year and also needs chemical
fertilizers, weedicides and pesticides for its cultivation.
• Under the guise of sugar production- factories are producing alcohol. Even after
using large quantities of water, destroying the environment and then cheating
innocent farmers, the cultivated sugarcane is ultimately being supplied to liquor

Which sweetener to be used?
• Palm jaggery, Silver date palm jaggery and Fish tail palm jaggery are the sweeteners to be used instead of sugar and jaggery, for preparing sweet delicacies.
• As Palm jaggery contains fructose, glucose gets released slowly.
• Palm trees grow naturally near rivers and freshwater lakes. They are not grown artificially like sugarcane. They do not require the use of huge quantities of water and the use of chemical fertilizers.
• Notably, Palm jaggery reduces anaemia in about 6 weeks.

Content Credit: Dr. Khadar Vali & Siri Jagatthu
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